Slide contents
- Unit tests in Angularjs
- About me
- Why unit tests?
- What to test?
- Unit test ar all about mocks
- Angularjs is all about dependency injection
- Dependency injection
- What is dependency injection?
- Dependency injection
- Unit tests rely on the $injector
- Testing controllers
- Jasmine
- How to mock promises
- Reject/resolve the promise
- Rule of thumb
- Mocking dependencies
- Angularjs $provide
- Angularjs $provide
- Use $provide
- Ajax calls
- A bit of theory
- Ok, enough of theory
- Ajax request
- Similar to $httpBackend ngMock mocks $timeout, $interval
- We are almost there
- Directives
- Directives are awesome
- Simple directive
- Testing directives
- $compile
- As long as we test ref to the html element, we can test things on it
- Let's stop here
- Tools
- Karma, Jasmine
- Where to learn more
- Thank you!
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