Slide contents
- 2D and 3D game development using Pyglet with Cocos2d
- About me
- Why game development?
- Why Pyglet?
- Pyglet basics
- Sample bare bones program
- Resources
- Sprites
- Sprite batches
- Handling key presses
- Catch your husband!
- Story
- Features
- What is Cocos2d?
- 3D game development in Cocos2d
- Cocos2d basics
- Scenes
- Layers
- Handling key presses
- Sample bare bones program
- Translate from Pyglet to Cocos2d
- Add enemy movement
- Add enemy movement (2)
- Add collision detection
- Make sprites collideable
- Check for collisions on each frame
- Add menus
- Main menu
- Options menu
- Start with the menu, not with the game
- Finishing touches
- Adding a background to the menus
- Customise the menus
- Add music
- Add a fancy transition
- To infinity ... and beyond!
- Thank you for your attention! :)
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